Exchange across borders
Eucor – The European Campus
We would like to draw particular attention to Eucor – The European Campus, the transnational consortium of universities on the Upper Rhine in Basel, Freiburg, Strasbourg, Mulhouse/Colmar, and Karlsruhe. This allows you to use the academic programs, libraries, and other facilities at all participating universities. Travel expenses will be reimbursed for courses attended at a European Campus university during the semester. Further information is provided here.

Credits for external courses
Credit points earned at other higher education institutions can be credited provided they fulfil the criteria for a doctoral-level course and attendance has been agreed with a supervisor from the doctoral committee, who must confirm the successful completion of the course by signing the individual study plan. The doctoral candidate must also provide proof such as confirmation of participation, a course certificate, or a transcript of records. At least 6 credit points for the courses required in accordance with the doctoral study regulations must be earned from courses at the University of Basel.
Credits for external courses when switching university
When a doctoral candidate changes university, a maximum of 6 credit points can be transferred provided the external courses formed part of their doctoral studies, were attended within the last five years, and have not already been credited for another degree. The application for credits must be agreed with a supervisor from the doctoral committee and relevant proof must be provided to the doctoral board(responsibility to produce proof lies with the applicant). The remaining credit points must be earned while matriculated as a doctoral candidate at the University of Basel (decision of the <link de fakultaet gremien-kommissionen promotionsausschuss external-link-new-window internen link im aktuellen>doctoral board, October 23, 2012).