/ Research, Doctorate/PhD
Calls for proposals for initial scholarships

The doctoral programs of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences have called for proposals for a total of 7 scholarships
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Basel is calling for proposals for a total of 7 initial scholarships. The one-year scholarships of CHF 30,000 each are intended to provide support during the initial phase of the doctorate.
The initial scholarships are awarded as part of the following doctoral programs:
- Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S): 3
- Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH): 2
- Doctoral Program Literary Studies (DPL): 1
- Doctoral Program of Ancient Civilizations (DBAW): 1
The prerequisite for application is a Master's degree qualifying for the doctorate.
The calls for proposals can be found under the following link.