Habilitation at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

The habilitation follows the doctorate and is still the highest university examination in many countries. The habilitation confers the academic degree of «Dr. habil.» (Doctor habilitatus) on academically qualified persons. The successful habilitation and the degree «Dr. habil.» confirm the ability to independently represent an academic field in both research and teaching at the university level. In addition, a teaching authorization for a subject area is usually also conferred.

After successful completion of the procedure, the academic title «Privatdozentin» or «Privatdozent» may be used. By accepting the title, private lecturers agree to remain academically active and to teach a course equivalent to two credit hours per week at the University of Basel in the academic field for which the venia docendi has been granted. The Faculty may approve an exemption from the teaching obligation upon justified request; the corresponding application must be submitted to the Dean's Office. The Faculty reviews every five years for the attention of the Senate whether the obligations associated with the teaching authorization have been fulfilled.

Habilitation procedure

The academic achievements of habilitation candidates are assessed on the basis of a written habilitation thesis or other equivalent publications, proof of teaching competencies and a trial lecture with colloquium. After being awarded a teaching license, private lecturers give a public inaugural lecture within one year. Before submitting a habilitation application to the Habilitation Committee, it is recommended to have a preliminary meeting with the chairperson of the committee and to consult the habilitation regulations.

Public inaugural lectures and habilitation lectures

No entries available.

Dean of Research
