Continuing education programs

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences currently offers the following continuing education programs:

African Affairs

This certificate course is aimed at professionals working in Africa or working with African partners, co-workers and customers. You will acquire comprehensive knowledge of cultural, social, political and economics contexts in your working environment and further develop your skills in the areas of intercultural communication and management.

Gender Studies

The CAS Diversity and Equal Opportunity Competence is a continuing education program run by the Center for Gender Studies in cooperation with the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW and the Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW.


The continuing education courses in peacebuilding provide a holistic understanding of civil peacebuilding with the aim of dealing with conflicts, rebuilding societies affected by war and preventing renewed outbreaks of violence. The courses are modular and allow you to specialize in the topics of your choice.

Cultural Management

The modular degree programs in Cultural Management offer a variety of continuing education opportunities for people working in the cultural sector. The core program is located at the interface between culture and management, cultural production and cultural policy, whereby university teaching and project work are productively intertwined in exchange with experienced lecturers from the cultural sector.